Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start using InvoicEdge?

You can start with using InvoiceEdge by simply registering on the link. (link set hyperlink to registration page). Once you have submitted your details, our onboarding team will send you an invitation link

Click on the invitation link, and create an account on Banqup.

What is the process for registering on the Peppol network?

Before using our e-invoicing solution, you need to register your company on the Peppol network. If you're already registered through a different access point provider, deregister and then register on Peppol by creating an account on Banqup using the invitation link received by you.

For reference to the process of registration on Banqup click here

What if, you already have a Banqup account ?

You can still register using this link

What happens if I create an account on Banqup but am not registered for PEPPOL?

If you create an account on Banqup but are not yet registered for PEPPOL, you will receive an email notification from us prompting you to register for PEPPOL. Simply follow the guidelines provided in the email to complete your PEPPOL registration process and enjoy the full benefits of Banqup.

For reference to the process of registration on Banqup click here

What should I do if I'm already registered with another access point for PEPPOL and want to use Banqup?

If you're already registered with another access point for PEPPOL and wish to use Banqup instead, you'll need to cancel your existing registration and re-register specifically for Banqup's access point. Once you've canceled your previous registration, you can proceed to register again for PEPPOL using Banqup's access point to seamlessly integrate with our platform.

For reference to the process of registration on Banqup click here

What are the different product segments offered?

There are two product segments: InvoicEdge, the PEPPOL Module that adds e-Invoicing capabilities to your Odoo ERP, and EdgERP + InvoicEdge, the Combo Package that provides a complete ERP solution with integrated e-Invoicing.

What steps should I follow to use EdgERP + InvoicEdge?

If you want a complete ERP solution with integrated e-invoicing, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] . Our sales representative will let you know the process to enjoy integrated e-invoicing capabilities.

How can I create and send invoices electronically via PEPPOL?

Once the configuration is complete, navigate to the invoicing or billing module within your ERP system. Generate invoices for your transactions as usual and select the option to send them electronically via PEPPOL. Verify invoice details before sending and monitor the status of sent invoices through the PEPPOL network.

What should I do if I encounter issues during the registration or configuration process?

If you encounter any issues or require assistance during the registration, installation, or configuration process, refer to our documentation or contact our support team for personalized assistance. We're here to help you every step of the way!

Still have questions? Email us at [email protected]